Are you planning a career change in 2022? Why a career with Regal Security is a smart move

Just when we thought the world was getting a handle on the spread of COVID-19, a new variant is now sweeping across the world, leading to even more uncertainty for what might be in store for us in 2022.

The biggest disruption in people’s lives has been in the employment market, as thousands of businesses were shuttered and millions of people were forced from their jobs.

However, one industry in particular that continues to grow is the guarding industry, which is considered an essential service.

The security guard industry has always enjoyed growth during normal times and in times of crisis it booms – just as we are witnessing with a global pandemic that has lasted nearly two years.

How much longer will we continue to combat a global pandemic?

The job of a security guard has always been considered essential to the safety and well-being of the community; one of their primary roles is to be the eyes and ears of law enforcement, as well as for fire and emergency medical services, and over the past several years the demand for highly trained security personnel has exploded.

As one of Ontario’s leading providers of highly trained security guards, Regal Security Inc. is looking for more Everyday Superheroes™ to join our team.

Our firm’s industry-leading, mandatory 40-hour licensing training program, on-the-job training with a licensed and experienced security guard, along with our comprehensive and ongoing education and team support, will put you on the right track to a new, exciting and very rewarding career.

There are lots of benefits with joining Regal.

Every guard takes part in extensive training, on-the-job-training, and all our professionals receive ongoing training and education. Additionally, guards enjoy the fact that there are lots of hours to work, part-time and full-time, and we offer competitive pay, job growth, and everyone is supported by our dedicated management team.

Whether you choose a full-time career, or a lighter schedule if you’re in post-retirement, or even working part-time on weekends while going to school, a job as a security guard with Regal can fit into your schedule and we will help you every step of the way to achieve your goals.

Each day in the life of a security guard is a different experience from the day before simply because the variety of locations that require security are so vast, and because the job involves interacting with different people in your community every day.

It’s been said that “variety is the spice of life,” so if you’ve grown tired of a job that provides little to no excitement, or requires sitting all day, then a career as a trained security guard with Regal may be just what you’ve been looking for.

The role of a Regal Security guard is a noble and respectable one. It is a position where ensuring community health and safety are a top priority.

Additionally, being a security guard teaches everyone valuable skills. Day-in and day-out you are communicating with people from all walks of life, you are observing, you are helping mitigate crime, and your overall presence on job sites helps give our clients and the public a true sense of safety. Also, your role as a guard means you are helping police, fire, and emergency medical services, and, you might even help save lives along the way.

Contact Regal Security Inc. today and be prepared to make 2022 the year of positive change.



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